Excise Tax Calculator

How much will it cost to renew my registration?
To calculate your estimated vehicle registration renewal cost, you will need the following information:
1. Your vehicle’s MSRP
The MSRP is the Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail price of your vehicle.  The MSRP is the “sticker price” and NOT necessarily what you paid for the vehicle.
To find the MSRP of an existing registration: the MSRP is listed on your current registration form under “Base”.
To find the MSRP if you do not have an existing registration on hand: you may be able to find the MSRP online at sites such as MSN Autos or Kelley Blue Book.  You can also contact the dealership that the vehicle was purchased from.
2. Your vehicle’s manufacture date
Once you have obtained your vehicle’s MSRP and manufacture date you may proceed to the calculator below to give you an idea of what it will cost to renew the current registration on your passenger vehicle.
Please note, this calculator is only for estimation purposes.  The exact cost will be determined by the municipality when you register your vehicle.


Base Price (MSRP) (i.e. 58500)
Year of Vehicle
Plate Type
Vanity Plate?